Tiny Toy Tackle Box

I have been neglect on this blog, I apologize for any of you who like to view photos of what I do, and here me blabber a bit. May was a bit of a gong show, as some of you know I homeschool our three kids, and we were attempting to finish up our school year early by the end of May. The reason being we took a two week family vacation and toured a bit of BC, following the Fraser River to its tiny little head waters and following the trail of the Gold Rush in the 1860s, a topic we have been learning in great detail over the past several years. We visited the magnificent historic town of Barkerville,  and 100 mile house and ate the best homemade donuts there. Then we travelled on to Jasper and saw the huge Rocky Mountains from a new view (usually we travel through Banff), and visited real live glaciers and drank from a fresh mountain stream and breathed cold mountain air, and got in touch with the fauna when we were surrounded by elk in our camp site. Not to mention the fauna we caught in Wasa Lake when most of the family took home swimmers itch! We visited family and many many friends, and made memories that will last a lifetime. You know our little family can’t afford a vacation somewhere tropical and far away, at least at this stage in our life, however we treated this adventure like a vacation, and you know I couldn’t think of anywhere I would have rather been, than getting to know my country and its wild and intense history, and visiting those we love.

Now that I have been home and we scrubbed and packed away our camping supplies for another trip, I have been taking a week of Pro-D days, getting to know the new curriculum we have picked out as we kick our learning up another notch next year and start preparing for a journey into classical literature, and my favourite period of history: the Middle Ages. As well as reading books about the philosophy of education, which has completely blown my feeble mind.

But alas, this is a blog endeavouring to show you my creative works, and school needs to be put away for the sake of this little beauty birthday gift which I can’t wait to show you! tacklebox-4 tacklebox-5 tacklebox-6 tacklebox-7

Its been over 6 months in the making, as I ordered the little wooden toys from my favourite toy maker Two Raccoon Hollow, right after Christmas. I have bought these little creations for my nephew a couple of years ago, and I love the simplicity and the quality and the little details that go into every piece. And so as we continue to buy and make natural and handmade toys for our kids, I know as I buy these that they will be little toys that we will treasure for decades, and pass on to our own grandkids one day. Since I ordered them I have been dreaming about making them a little house to sleep in, as my 4 year old daughter has a very nurturing instinct and loves to put all her little critters and babies to bed. So I found a painted tackle box at a local vintage shop, and today I made a little wool mattress, pillow and blanket.tacklebox-12 tacklebox-10 tacklebox-8

I lined the second and third shelves with felted wool, and made little sleeping bags for the larger spaces.tacklebox-9 tacklebox-14 tacklebox-15 tacklebox-16 tacklebox-13

At the top I of course made a fun and sweet little pennant, and the handle on the outside is adorned with ribbon fun too. Hope this little project inspired you in your own crafting adventures!